Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
-Albert Einstein
Saw a brilliant piece of news today. Novosibirsk policemen arrested two African citizens, who offered Russian businessmen unusual service. They claimed to bring in Russia some "money intermediate product", which can be turned into real euro, dollars and roubles with some real money.
The process looked as following: euro banknote was folded between two "special" pieces of white paper, then covered in special money-dust and soaked in secret reagent. After a while, you may take your 3 fresh banknotes of the same face. One of the victims gave them 100 000 euros for cloning!
I'm not making this up, you may look at 0:40, although video may be kinda slow for non-Russian users. Other pair of Libyan citizens in Moscow invented other scheme. They claimed to save a part of Libyan treasury from rebels, but they had to paint banknotes with black paint to get them through the border. But fear not, they need only a small sum from you for special dissolvent!
I just can't understand, exactly how stupid should a person be to believe in this...
PS: previous post proved that I should sleep more and proofread my texts. The post should have started with
"The majority of Internet surfers seems to know one and only Soviet piece of music - Trololo Guy. And I hope everyone watched more that first 10 sec of music-only =)